Noone Vankaya

Spread The Taste
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
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Preparation Method

  • Without discarding the stem slit the brinjals.
  • Dry roast cinnamon, peppercorn, cumin seed and coriander seed.
  • Grind together the fried spices, eight pods of garlic, grated coconut, turmeric powder, chilli powder, tamarind and salt.
  • Stuff the brinjals with masala.
  • Chop the tomatoes.
  • Dice the shallots finely.
  • Heat a pan with Idhayam sesame oil.
  • Saute shallots, tomatoes, curry leaves and rest of the garlic.
  • Flip the stuffed brinjals and close with a lid.
  • Stir often.
  • When the brinjal is done and the masala thickens and coats the brinjal remove from fire.
  • Heat a mini pan with a teaspoon of Idhayam sesame oil.
  • Temper mustard, urad dhal, chana dhal and pour it over the noone vankaya.
  • Serve hot.

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