Andhra Spicy Dosa

Spread The Taste
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 7 minutes for 1 dosa
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Preparation Method

  • In a broad bowl take the dosa batter.
  • Soak the red chillies in water for five minutes.
  • Grind the soaked chillies along with garlic and salt.
  • Beat the egg with salt.
  • Heat a dosa pan.
  • Take a ladle of the batter and pour it at the centre and spread in a circular motion.
  • Pour a spoon of the egg over the batter.
  • When the egg is half cooked add the garlic chilli paste and spread it all over the dosa.
  • Drizzle Idhayam sesame oil to the sides of the dosa.
  • Flip over. When the dosa is done and turns to golden brown fold the dosa and serve hot.

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