Stuffed Parotta

Spread The Taste
Preparation Time: 40 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes
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Preparation Method

  • In a broad bowl, combine  maida, salt, a teaspoon of Idhayam Sesame Oil, water and knead it to a smooth dough.
  • Knead it for ten minutes.
  • Let it for thirty minutes.
  • Beat the egg well.
  • Chop onions, green chillies, ginger and garlic finely.
  • Chop the tomatoes roughly.
  • Heat a pan with two tablespoon of Idhayam Sesame Oil, temper  cumin seed , fennel, clove, curry leaves, green chillies, onion, ginger, garlic and fry till golden brown.
  • Add the tomatoes, minced chicken, turmeric powder, chilli powder, coriander powder, garam masala and fry until the chicken is done and turns reddish brown.
  • To this add beaten egg and stir well.
  • Divide the dough into eight equal parts.
  • Sprinkle maida on the chappathi board.
  • Place one part of the dough roll it to square.
  • Place the minced mutton at the centre of the dough close it from the sides to square.
  • Sprinkle maida over the rolled parottas and roll it again.
  • Heat a dosa pan.
  • Place the rolled parottas. 
  • Pour Idhayam Sesame Oil to the sides. When it turns brown flip over and fry till golden brown.
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