Pudhina Parotta

Spread The Taste
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 7 minutes for 1 parotta
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Preparation Method

  • Sieve maida and keep aside.
  • Grind green chillies.
  • Chop the mint leaves finely.
  • Mix together maida, salt, sugar required amount of water, mint leaves, ground green chillies, a teaspoon of ghee, Idhayam Sesame Oil and knead  to flexible dough.
  • Again add three tablespoon of Idhayam Sesame Oil, knead well, close with a lid and let it ferment  for six hours.
  • Make equal sized balls.
  • Place it on the chappathi board. Pat it to a thin sheet to the size of the board.
  • Fold it like a paper fan, swirl it and keep aside.
  • Heat a pan with Idhayam Sesame Oil. Place the parotta and fry both the sides till crisp and brown.
  • Serve hot.
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