Kothu Parotta

Spread The Taste
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
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Preparation Method

  • Chop the parotta's with kitchen scissors finely.
  • Dice the shallots finely.
  • Slit green chillies.
For make Salna [Chicken Gravy]
  • Grind together coriander powder, cumin  powder, grated coconut, shallots and pepper powder to a fine paste.
  • Heat a heavy bottomed vessel with two tablespoon of Idhayam Sesame Oil.
  • Add the ground masala, simmer o a low flame and fry until raw smell goes.
  • To this add the mutton / chicken pieces, salt, turmeric powder and fry five minutes.
  • Pour required amount of water and allow it to boil.
  • When the chicken is done and the gravy thickens remove from fire.
  • Heat a broad pan with rest of Idhayam Sesame Oil, saute onions, curry leaves and green chillies.
  • Add the chopped parotta and fry for five minutes.
  • Take a ladle of the chicken salna and pour it over the parottas and stir well.
  • Make a hallow between the parotta mixture.
  • Crack the egg and stir well until the scrambled eggs and parottas blend together.
  • Serve hot.
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