Paneer Cutlet

Spread The Taste
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Preparation Method

  • Grate the paneer and onion.
  • Pound cinnamon, fennel and clove to a fine powder.
  • Combine maida, required amount of water, salt and mix to a watery consistency.
  • Heat a pan with two tablespoon of Idhayam Sesame Oil.
  • Saute grated onion.
  • Add grated paneer, pound spices, salt, coriander leaves and stir well.
  • Mix together and make into small balls.
  • Flatten the balls into cutlet.
  • Dip the cutlets in the maida mixture, coat with bread crumbs and keep aside.
  • Heat a pan with Idhayam Sesame Oil.
  • When it becomes hot, flip four to five cutlets at a time and deep fry till golden brown.
  • Make such cutlets with rest of the paneer and serve.
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