Stuffed Aloo Kulcha

Spread The Taste
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
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Preparation Method

  • Soak the yeast in warm water for five minutes.
  • Combine maida, salt, ghee, yeast with water and knead to a smooth dough.
  • Let it ferment for thirty minutes.
  • Pound the coriander seed coarsely.
  • Heat a pan with a tablespoon of Idhayam Sesame Oil.
  • Saute onion and keep aside.
  • Cook the potatoes, peel the skin and mash it long with salt, coriander leaves, amchur powder, chilli powder, pound coriander seed, lime juice, fried onion, sugar and mix well.
  • Make medium sized balls out of the dough.
  • With a rolling pin roll into circles.
  • Place the aloo stuffing in the centre and cover by bringing the edges together.
  • Roll into a smooth ball.
  • Again roll into circles.
  • Heat a dosa pan.
  • Place the aloo kulcha at the centre.
  • Drizzle oil to the edges of the kulchas,  when it turns to golden brown remove from fire and serve hot.
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