Cauliflower Chapati

Spread The Taste
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes
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Preparation Method

  • Mix together wheat flour, maida, a teaspoon of Idhayam sesame oil, salt, water and knead it to a smooth dough.
  • Grate the cauliflower.
  • Chop the onion.
  • Heat a pan with butter, when it starts to melt, temper fennel and curry leaves.
  • Saute onion.
  • Add cumin powder, coriander powder, chilli powder and fry for a minute.
  • Pour required amount of water and allow it to boil.
  • Add the cauliflower and salt.
  • To this add the coriander leaves and fry until the gravy thickens.
  • Take a small ball of the batter.
  • Place it on the chappati board and roll it to thin circles.
  • Take required amount of cauliflower masala and spread all over the chappati.
  • Make another chappati and place it over the masala, apply water and stick the sides.
  • Heat a dosa pan.
  • Place the masala chappati and drizzle Idhayam sesame oil to the sides.
  • When the chappati is done, flip over and allow it to cook.
  • Add more of oil.
  • When it turns to golden brown, remove from fire.
  • Make such chapati with rest of the dough and serve.
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