Butter Naan

Spread The Taste
Preparation Time: 3 minutes
Cooking Time: 5 miniutes for a naan
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Preparation Method

  • Sieve together, maida, salt, baking powder and cooking soda.
  • Soak yeast in warm water for ten minutes.
  • Combine flour, ghee, yeast, curd and knead  to a smooth and flexible dough.
  • If required sprinkle hot water.
  • Close the dough with a muslin cloth and allow it to ferment for six hours.
  • Make into medium sized balls and roll into circles.
  • Stretch  one end of the circle to bring a triangular shape to the naan.
  • Heat a dosa pan or a non stick pan.
  • Apply water over the rolled naan.
  • Place the naan over the pan, the watered part should be placed on the pan.
  • Brush with butter and cook the other side.
  • When the naan is done place the naan over direct flame and serve hot.
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