
Spread The Taste
12 approx.
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 45 minutes
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Preparation Method

  • Mix gram flour, rice flour to a consistency of dosa batter.
  • Heat a pan with a tablespoon of ghee.
  • Fry cashew nuts, raisins, cloves and keep aside.
  • Bring 250 ml water to boil. 
  • Add sugar and allow it to boil until single string consistency.
  • To this add kesari powder, saffron and remove from fire.
  • Heat a pan with ghee, when it becomes hot, take a boondi ladle. Pour the gram flour batter over the boondi ladle.
  • Fry the boondies and add to the sugar syrup and press gently.
  • In a while take the boondies  from the sugar syrup and keep aside.
  • Add the fried nuts, raisins and cloves to the boondi and mash the boondi mixture and the nuts with the help of a churner.
  • Make into small ball of laddus and serve.

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