Minced Mutton Dosa

Spread The Taste
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 4 minutes
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Preparation Method

  • Pressure cook the minced mutton with turmeric powder.
  • Chop the onions.
  • Chop the green chillies to thin circles.
  • Heat a pan with Idhayam Sesame Oil.
  • Saute onion and green chillies.
  • Add the minced mutton,cumin powder,chilli powder,salt and stir well.
  • Fry until the masala coasts the minced mutton.
  • Remove from fire and keep aside.
  • Heat a dosa pan.Spread the batter over the pan into thin circles.
  • Pour oil to the edges of the dosa.
  • Flip over the dosa when it turns brown.
  • Again flip it over,take a tablespoon of minced mutton and spread it all over the dosa.
  • Fold it and serve hot.
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