Plain Cake

Spread The Taste
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 to 40 minutes approximately
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Preparation Method

  • Pre heat the oven at 180°c.
  • Sieve maida and baking powder.
  • Separate the egg white and the yolk.
  • Beat the egg white and the yolk separately with an electric blender.
  • Pound the sugar.
  • Take the sugar in a bowl. Add the yolk and mix well.
  • Add the butter knead it with a wooden spatulla.
  • Add the maida and baking powder and mix well along with almond essence, salt, lemon juice, Egg white and  mix well.
  • Grease a baking tray with butter, spoon the batter into the tray.
  • Tap the tray so that the batter flattens equally.
  • Place the tray in the pre heated oven for 30 to 40 minutes.
  • When the cake is done. Remove from the oven allow it to cool.
  • Cut into desired shapes and serve.
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